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Camp Hill Presbyterian Church

Did you know that those words "do not fear" appear in the Bible 365 times? God knows we need that daily reminder, especially during difficult times. We know and trust that God is with us. We also know and trust that we will remain connected as a church family as best we can in these difficult days. Let us uplift each other in prayer! May the peace of God which passes all understanding, keep your hearts and minds in the knowledge and love of God, and may the blessing God almighty, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, remain with you always. Amen. 

 ~ Pastor Nancy

Isaiah 4:35



Pizza Luncheon After Worship

Join us after worship on Sunday, March 2, for a pizza luncheon in Fellowship Hall sponsored by the CHPC Membership Team. All are welcome!


Join Us for Ash Wednesday Labyrinth Walk

All are invited to "tune our hearts to sing God’s grace" at CHPC’s Labyrinth Prayer Walk on Ash Wednesday, March 5 in Fellowship Hall. Imposition of ashes with Pastor Nancy will take place at noon and 7 p.m.; the labyrinth will be available for self-guided walks from 1 to 3 p.m.


Lenten Sermon Series Begins March 9

Our Lenten Sermon Series, "Wandering Heart: Figuring Out Faith With Peter" begins Sunday, March 9. In Peter, we often see ourselves. By following his journey, we will watch the story of Jesus unfold through the eyes of a very normal human trying to figure it all out — just like us. Please join us in this Lenten journey.


Fundraising Effort for Education Wing Announced

The Preschool has two upcoming opportunities to help us raise funds for updates and repairs to the Kathy Kuhn Education Wing. Did you or your children attend preschool in the Education Wing? Did you or do you currently attend Sunday school in the Education Wing? Come make your mark while supporting these much-needed facility upgrades!


 Visitation Pastor to Be Out of Town

Pastor Don Potter will be away from Friday, Feb. 21, through Friday, March 14.

During this time, if you require visitation or pastoral care, please contact the office.


Volunteers Needed to Prepare, Deliver Flowers

It has long been a tradition in our church to beautify the sanctuary with flowers  remembering or honoring loved ones and recognizing evidence of God’s ongoing presence in our world. In order to continue, volunteers are needed to remove the

arrangements and package them for delivery and/or transport them to various recipients. Anyone willing to help in this ministry should contact the church office or speak to any deacon on the Congregational Care Team


Assist CHPC by Making Per Capita Contribution

The 2025 per capita, payable to the Presbytery, is $34 per member. Per capita

supports the governance of the church, including the General Assembly, synods, and presbyteries; funds the work of the Presbyterian Mission Agency; supports the work of pastors and elders; helps churches call pastors; provides guidance in difficult times; and encourages those called to church leadership. Please help CHPC pay this annual expense of approximately $10,000 by contributing the appropriate per capita amount for your family size.


Young Children, Caregivers Invited to Children's Church

CHPC Children’s Church, in conjunction with the Preschool, is being held every Monday at 12:05 p.m. in the Sanctuary. All are invited to join us for a kid-friendly participatory service. This informal setting will feature Bible stories, crafts, and songs lead by Pastor Nancy. This is not a drop-off event, but one that we hope adults will enjoy with their children. Parents, grandparents, and caregivers are all welcome! Following the service, families can stay to eat lunch and use the Bike Room.

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